Christopher (Chris) Semmelbeck is our creative and untiring Media Editor ensuring that we are ahead of the curve in applying the rapidly emerging multimedia tools. His innovative confluence of the arts, culture, and technology amazes our clients as also our team. With his love of these multiple fields, Chris is concurrently pursuing formal education at ATEC (UTD’s school of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communications). There he has conceived fresh ideas, combined his business experience at ConfluCore with the latest theory in academia, and created novel productions. Chris and his wife Meredith enjoy museums of all types and travel to other cultures to develop a deeper appreciation for their histories and the various characteristics of communication arts that have evolved over time.
The investment in technology and company’s emphasis on “techno-cultures” are inspiring, exciting me to outdo myself and take pride in supporting new ideas and processes.
Our annual awards ceremony which brought together great leaders from organizations who demonstrated how confluence is a journey of excellence.